Thank you so so so much dear readers for standing beside me againts all those crappy things that really-really-oh gosh seriously-ruined my study mood. But i believe things happen for reasons. So lesson learnt for today! = extra careful with my upcoming entry cuz i dont wanna invite some haters no more =(
Oh yes, memandangkan my next paper is on the 3rd of Nov, Ingat okay. 3rd Nov. Jangan lupe doakan aku! *ajak your pacik macik sekali to doakan me beramai2* hehe. Ha dah terlupe pulak nak cakap ape tadi. Tu la suke nau tokok tambah smpai da terlupe sebenanye ckp pasal ape td. Ha da igt. Memandangkan my next paper will be on the 3rd of Nov, which is beberapa hari lagi, so tadi i went to Sukawening for study group. Naek moto taw.
Kawan2 kat sukawening were so kind they actually invited me over for lunch! Makan percuma makan percuma oh i loike oh i loike. *bole save duet beli dvd lg yeah*. The study group went on smooth. Aku suke study group ngan orang pndai2 sbb bile ak point bende yang ak xtaw je, sure dorang taw jwpn, taw nak refer kat mane, taw knp bende tu mcm tu,knp bukan mcm ni. hebat bukan?
Akhirnya aku terlupe entry ni sepatotnye bercerite pasal beautiful lips seperti yang aku gemba-gemburkan kat title diatas hahaha..baek baek mari kite focus! Tapi sorry taw, tips xbanyak pon..hehe harap2 bergunelah tok korang ye!
- Sebelom tdo, korang gosok gigi kan? Lepas gosok gigi, amek toothbrush tu, basahkan dengan air tapi jgn letak toothpaste taw. 'Gosok' bibir in a circular movement perlahan2. Cara ni sgt effective tok menanggalkan kulit2 mati kat bibir tu. So kalo pakai lipstick next tyme, smooth je bibir tu.
- Bile rase bibir kering, DO NOT WET IT WITH YOUR SALIVA a.k.a air liur sbb ni akan menyebabkan bibir korang lagi kering and merekah and sumelah yang tak cantik. Nak cantik tak? Its either minum air putih atau pakai lipbalm.
- Sapu madu kat bibir sebelom tido. Ni bukan tips ak, ak bace kat majalah wanita ke ape ntah. Die kate nanti bibir korang moist naturally. Ak rase sleeping beauty la yang kne ikot tips neyh. Die kan ade boyfriend yang dtg kiss die mase tgh tido. Isy isy social gile si sleeping beauty ni :')
Oklah. Take care!! xoxo (ang taw dak, aku baru taw xoxo tu maksud dia hug & kisses, kampung gila aku ni. ke ade gak yang xtaw tapi taknak ngaku?? hehe tiru gossip girls ye)