Saturday 30 May 2009

lame gle xupdate!

Salam kengkawan!

Ak kat Jakarta ni menghabiskn sise2 cuti ak dgn riang gembire~
ni pon tenet pinjam jeh so xleh la nk update lelebeyh haha
pepon sesape yg bce blog ak ni, thanks guys for reading!
for all haters gak, haha lek la wei!
suke ati korng a nk kutuk ak ape yng pnting ak xkutuk korang
and ak dpt pahale free dr korang wakakakakakkaka thank u thank u!

skt ati? pdn muke kau. kalo xskt ati xpela hahaha
pehal ngan ak ni. xlwk pon *dush*


Monday 18 May 2009

Travel Part 1 : Jogjakarta, Central Java Island

Hi kengkawan ! Its been a while since my very last update ne! Update kali ni sikit je sbb ak da sgt mengantuk ni~ anyway parents ak dtg, so ak online kat hotel jeh ni, boleh plak floor ak xde WiFi..jadi ak dgn gagahnye bwk laptop yg berselirat ngan wire tu turun ke 2nd floor..

Okay okay meh tgk pics ak ms travel g Jogjakarta ritu. Ce teke, bape lme kitorang nek bus? 12jam ye kwn-kwn. 12 jam. bknlah highway tp bukit putus yg ala2 semban-pilah tu tp lg maha hebat sebanyak 5kali gande! spnjang perjalanan tu ak lah yg plg beriman skali sbb berzikir tnpe henti! tkt muntah beb! x cool la kalo muntah haha! nyway heres some info bout the trip.

date : 6may - 9may 09
travel agency : Alfa Gemilang, Rp 475 000 per person
places visited : candi borobodur, candi prambanan, parangkritis beach,
pasar malioboro, some other tourist attraction yg ak dah lupe name die.
hotel : rubra graha (sizen tp besh la sbb ade mini zoo)
weather : very hot & humid (xcam bandung, west java so agak sejukla)
comment : besh, barang murah esp kat area candi. candi pon sgt amazing, ak kagum!

in front of runtuhan candi prambanan bcuz of earth quake in 06

me in front of one of the candi
me and my childhood best friend, hanani

amazing view of candi prambanan

the stupas of candi borobodur

kitorang pon nk bertape gak! haha

on top of candi borobodur
Tu je kot gmbar yang agak sesuai untuk tontonan umum haha ak akn post lg satu entry tok gmba kat Parangkritis Beach & Mini Zoo ye~ Nyway kalo ade mase, korang dtglah Jogjakarta! For those yang sgt suke tgk scenery tu korng akn rse truje! Candi Borobodur pernah listed as one of the 7wonders of the world. So xrugilah korang dtg sni >.Okay c uuuu !

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Mkn mkn mkn !

Hi kwn2 !!

Rni ak g amek bestfriend ak yg merangkap ex-classmate ema kat airport. Tp Airasia yg kuang ajar tu tlh mendelaykn flight kwn ak dr kol 6ptg ke 11mlm! mmg nak kne sepak la Airasia ni. So kitorang pon g la jenjaln dlu!

My indonesian's friend, Tari slalu la nak ajak ak g KINGS Mall. best byk bj pompuan die kate. So ak pon ajak la ema g hari ni. Kitorang gerak kol 12pm nek bus jeh. Kalolah ak ade mitsubishi lancer da lame da ak drive smbil nyanyi lagu mara bahaya hahaha.

Sampai2 je dah ngantok so kitorang pon g la mkn PizzaHut.Oh maaf Palestin ak rse berdose...smbung smbung. Order 2 panpizza, garlic bread, mushroom soup ngan topping tu ntah ape ntah name die, beef lasagna ngan coke. ni mkn ke melantak ni.lyn je la~

Kings sgt la boring. sile jgn dtg sni ye. So kitorang pon g Yogya kat sblah jeh. Sajelah tgk2 makeup pastu si assisant Studio Colour ni pgl la ak, die kate nk wat grooming sket. Ak bkn boleh, cpt je terpengaroh. Akibatnye ak pon membelila 3 items from Studio Colour..

Pastu kitorang pon travel la nek angkot smpai ISTANA PLAZA. ak pon bli glitters tok handset kat STROBERI. ah sgt suke sgt suke! B4 tu kitorang teatyme ema mnum A&W float, ak mnum orange juice. Pas teatyme pon lapa lg so kitorang g fudcourt n mkn kuewtiaw goreng ayam. Mkann promotion je beb.Saving sket.hahaha.Ema mkn mie ayam. pastu B4 balik, kitorang li buns sket kat breadtalk..hai..byk gilo mkn oi~

studio color : blusher , lipgloss & lipstick OMG i loooove it much !

bersama kwn baek membeli bread talk !

hi sy ftn lyana yg suke sgt kat glitters! sile jgn tiru minat sy ye

ema si comel berdebar2 nk makan garlic bread

inilah KING'S & ak mengantuk sblom wat ape2 pon

Flight kwn ak dijangkakan smpai dlm 11 12 lebey mesia a..ayah ak xkasi tgu..bahaye so terpakselah die tdo airport n tgu ak n ema dtg amek die sok~ huhu sian kwn ak sorang neh. Saba yolah ngan airasia ni. Ak ni br je blik dr bandung ah sgt pnat tp gembire~ da lame xkua ngan ema !

Honey Koyuki

Monday 4 May 2009

Its a 'me' day!

This is where i live in Indonesia, Its called Bale Padjadjaran 1.

Hey as usual i woke up late today and loud commotions coming from every corner of my wing! Yup the gurls were ready to go for crazy shopping again at Bandung. (plz take note that Bandung city is a 30mins drive from my university).

I didnt go. Personally bcuz i had enough clothes in my wardrobe and plus my best friend is coming tomorow. So i guess i'l do a lil shopping with her soon. Bcuz there was nobody, the wing was so empty & dull & kinda creepy. I decided to go outside, wandered around the town bymyself. I didnt know how i ended up at the salon *hahha*

Yeah i did some facial using the newest product 'Bio-Cos'. i didnt know whether its really work or not.Just give em a try. And then i got my hair masked with Makarizo Milk-flavor Hair Mask. My hair become soft, rich with texture & smell realll good. Lastly i got my nails done. I like this part!

Before i got home, i dropped by the DVD Store. American's Next Top Model Season 11 caught my attention. I have missed this show since forever! Yup i did buy that >.<

Sgt selesa baring diatas bed smbil tgk ANTM & juga dpt bau rmbut yg sgt wangi & melihat kuku yang bersinar2 hehe..Gotta finish up the dvd gurls daaa!

Sunday 3 May 2009

Lailatul Hurul Ain

i went home with 2 prizes !

with ever chomeell emalina

with ever gorgeous ellie

with ever besties TWP 08!

Everything went on well yesterday syukur alhamdulillah.The best moment was when i won the 'Design Busana'& the lucky draw *yay*! Hee my impian to get on the stage was granted!
Those who didn't know here's some info bout this nyte :
  • The Event : Lailatul Hurul Ain (Malam Bidadari)
  • Place : BARAYA Hall, Jatinangor Town Square
  • Time : 7pm until finish
  • Meant for muslimah only
  • Competitions : Muslimah Next Top Model, Lilit-lilit sayang, Design Busana, Click-Click, & Cerpen
I must say the girls were damn beautiful. soo cute too! We had a great tyme supporting sheqa & ema, amalmater & rush for the 'lilit2 syg competiton'. It was a pertandingan lilit2 tdung. Sheqa & Ema won d 2nd prize. Cgrats u girls! Also, amalmater's voice was superb when she performed on stage. Nani was stunning when she flaunt her curve, cat-walking on the red carpet. Cgrats to Adda for the lucky draw !

If you notice, i wore a simple kebaya. Yeah, i designed it on my own. I think it looks great and simple. Hee my fav is the cheongsam button, which add uniqueness to this kebaya. AJK must put on the butterfly, thats why i had 1. It was red & i loveeeeed it !

We call it a quit at 1130pm. Terime Kasih semue krn datang & menjayakn event ni ! Lovv u alll !

Friday 1 May 2009

Today is friday

Hi rakan-rakan! Today is friday. Ak bgn2 je bdk2 wing da bsing.
ade nak pg tgk rumah la sbb umah under renovation, nak g umah senior sbb nak bargain perabot la, mcm2 la. ak je yg br bgn >.<. sejak cuti yg membahagiakn ni, sume org sibuk esp bab2 rumah ni sbb by july kitorang dah kne dok luar dah. tetibe nani panggil ak

'atinnnnn..nanti lunch sesame kat PapaRon! 1 wing sume pegi'
'oh..ok ok'

ak ngah berusaha menyusun notes2, case reviews sume tok dijilidkn. senang sket junior ak nk pinjam ^^. Pastu ak kne settle kan pasal dana tok Bidadari Night ngan baju ak kt tailor x amek agi. Ak senanye da order mkanan kat Rasa Nusantara, hari ni lauk paprik. Tp dak2 wing ajak lunch xbesh lak xde ak. sbb ak suke buat lwk plg bodoh in tha world. Mesti dorang windu ak t kalo ak xde wahaha

So ak ajak la teman serempit ak, Nisa. First die drop ak kat Mulya Abadi,ak hantar 10kg kertas tok dicompilekn (hbt x hbt tgn ak neh??). Then, kitorang jumpe Rabbani, deal psl dana sket. Tp Rabbani hampeh, xnak bg sumbangan. (Rabbani adalah kdai tdung, bukanlah penyanyi nasyid tu). Pastu g lunch kat PapaRon and sblom balik, ak singgah tailor amek bj ak tok bese je pon.

Tgk la gamba ak. Bukti kenyang prot senang hati haha. Klah ak nak tgk muvie neh. Ptg nanti ade event 'Comparative Religion'. Jom lyn~