Thursday 30 April 2009


Everyday is like a heaven to me! The finale for those-stressfull-but-i-dont-know-what-to-read-more-cuz-theres-plenty-to-read examination was over!
yay! *clap clap*. Officially, my freshman year has reached to its end! The telomere is getting short and P53 is gonna do its job! Byebye 1st year! Niway, i have some very interesting events await me!
  1. Bidadari Night (LailatulHurulAin) Dinner - 2May
  2. Cant wait for my best friend to come over - 5May
  3. Trip to Candi Borobodur, Jogjakarta - 6May
  4. My lovely bf will come over too ! -11May
  5. My parents will visit me yay! - 15May

I'll be coming home on the June 6th with my bf. Anyway, i will be participating 'Design Busana' contest for Bidadari Night. Gotta submit the sketch by today. Please pray for my success! Kalo menang then i got to naek pentas ^^ hee pasti trase cm fashion designer yg menang award kat KL Fashion Week hehe.

Gotta go finish up the sketch! What do you think of my new blog layout? better than previous or vice versa? lemme know kay!

Take Care!

Monday 27 April 2009

osoca : the greatest oral examination

i was late for the exam. the exam started at 30min past 7. and i just got up from my bed at 7.30. among the 11 cases, i was only ready for 5 cases which were

- toxo/pre-eclampsia/dystocia/sepsis/HM-

i prayed alot so that the case would come out. guest what, puerperium + STI case was the lucky chosen one. great. i never tot it would come out that way. they actualy combined the case. double great. the greatest was both of the case were something dat i wasnt familiar with. I didnt even prepare the case reviews.

i prayed alot so that the judges would be someone that i knew and kind. (Dr Yaya & Dr Sudarsono). Hopefully it wont turn out to be Dr Saadiah cuz she failed my seniors previously. Guess what? I got her. Super Duper Great.

The conclusion is I got 69. I deserved better than something dat starts form '6'. She didnt give me an A bcuz she said i missed a very importnt sentence.yeah so much important la sgt. A friend of mine she simply got an A bcuz her Dr was very kind. How i wished i could get her Dr. Then i would be flying happily for the A.

Ya Allah, plz show me the hikmah of this situation as soon as possible. Cant wait. For those who got A, Cgrats u guys!!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Status : Bored & Missing the bros

ya i know i looked stupid haha

Hi !
Ak boring~ secondary to bored is wasting tyme.
so here i am wasting my tyme (again).hahaha.

Look at these~ arent they cute?Thats my brothers~! Abg, Han & Asfiq.They are simply crazy! They talk nonsense & disgusting things. They eat alot & play alot.They wake up very late in the morning & get a blast from my supermom~They always tag-team & make fun of me! They love to persuade me to cook their fav food!

But most important they are lovly & sweet! I am missing you guys already :(.wlpn diorng mmg suke kenekan ak!kdg2 ak rase cm nk nanges jeh & nak upah bodyguard.

tgu den blik mesia~!!! den mmg da xbulih soba da ni nk men tumbuk2!

Monday 13 April 2009

Im happy !


I just received a notification mail from Apple Store. It goes like this :)

Hello Ms Fatin Liyana,Thank you for shopping online at Apple Store.Your order has shipped on 13 Apr 09.You will be expected to receive your iPod Shuffle 1GB (PRODUCT) red on your doorstep on 16 Apr 09.

Best regards,
Apple Store Team

OMG! cant wait to welcome my new iPod hehe. im counting days towards 16 Apr ! But i dont have the guts to face 20 Apr which will be my judgement day (is that so?) okay final exam i mean.
Nway~ wish me luck kay kengkwn! and i cant wait for my iPod!
Daa !

Saturday 11 April 2009

Cute stuff is hard to resist

kiri sket~ kanan sket~ oopps ok ok.tadaa! thats my new Rilakkuma bottle !kawaii desu ne~~~~ >.<

This super-giant bottle is from Rilakkuma~!Rilakkuma is another brand from San-X which comes from Japan.Extra points will be given to this bottle for its
  1. extra large size (xyah nk isi air byk kali)
  2. safety screw (xtumpah dlm beg)
  3. cute color ! (i find pastel color is cute)

Welcome new bottle ! I'l named you kumabear!

Friday 10 April 2009

a self-proclaimed perfectionist


i'm blogging right from my cozy bed~
just feels like blogging hee >.<.
ok let see the title for today.
uh uh.absolutely not me.
i just wanna say that i get irritated easily by these
self-proclaimed perfectionist.

Ya know nobodys perfect. thats a fact okay.
no matter how much you hide the bad side of you from the community, but still people can sense it.
people may not say it directly to you, but they can tell that you are 'acting' as if you are the greastest person alive.

i really dont get what these people are trying to prove.
in my point of view, they eventually do that for the sake of getting praises and compliments from others.
dont you think so?

They tend to look good all the time,
tend to be nice and sweet all the time,
tend to know everything all the time,
tend to be 'jack-of-all-rounder' all the time.

These perfectionists never want to 'lose' to others because they will do whatever it takes to win people hearts. real.
you cant win people heart all the time.
Just live your life, dont create your storyline according to judgement of others.
Plus, you cant be the apple of everyones eye forever.

I so respect those who are being themselves.
they just appriciate their lives and live with it to the fullest. they dont compare themselves to others.
they dont do things simply just to get praises or whatever. they never have any intentions to look great on people' eyes & most important, they can accept failure and can blend with it well.

i'm nobody but at least i am being me
and just be happy with my life. i may not be the no 1.
But what truly satisfies me is when
i exceed my own aims without thinking of others perceptions.

think about it !

Wednesday 1 April 2009


Hi !

I always love going to beauty salon for the 'ladies thingy'!ya know all those facial, hair trtment, spa, manicure & pedicure etc etc.I long to go to these place since forever which i consider 'a place for celebrities or rich peeps gather'. LOL in Malaysia, mahal kot bende2 ni, really an afternoon robbery la simply said >.<

suprisingly, in indonesia spas n beauty salon is meant for evrybody! regardless of your financial income and your status,
seems like the price is affordable for everyone. no double standard.lyk airasia 'Now everyone can fly'. wtv

As an opportunist, i nvr wanted to waste this once in a lifetime chances! bagaikn paris hilton ak pong pegilah get myself hair treatment, facial & manicure every forthnyte. siyes cm celebrity beb, lu relax je sume org buatkn >.< the latest, i went to Triberry Spa with my mom. hamek kau cm org kampung ak berendam dlm jacuzzi haha lantak a yg penting ak rs best! with all those aroma theraphy, scrub, mask, moisturize & massage thingy.. peh siyes best giler la. u'll feel much much more relax esp bile
die pasang lagu bali ke jawa ntah ak keliru yg penting lagu etnik a.

last monday, ak ajak su g manicure/padicure kat Akiko. I hv the membership card already! *pic* kemaen lg, soh dak teteh tu (teteh means akak in sundanese) shape kuku ak jd empt-segi (ala2 celebrity tu). it felt so gud when she massaged my arms/legs & get my nails done. cam org kaye ak ngan su berborak2 smbil tgn & kaki kitorang tgh dimanicure n dipadicurekn.

hee next week i will have a date with ema! since rmbut da rebonding kne la slalu g wat treatment. br la dpt efect ala2 iklan pantene tuh daaaaa~

p/s: siyes best xcaye tanye Qishie!