Wednesday 25 March 2009

Look~! i'm 20 already!

Hi guys !

Hv a look at my most convinced-trustful face! Haha never know i have such talent of making faces. ( i lyk to frown niway, i think it looks cute in me ) >_<

Niway back to the topic ! "Look~ i'm 20 already !" Im astonished. simply said.
20 is no longer considered a teen!

So basicly, we have to have changes in phases of life, in order to make our story line more interesting and meaningful. But that doesnt mean you have to create a new 'you'. I think one should keep up his/her identity cuz that makes you, 'you'. What am i talking about? duhh..hahaha

I like shopping. You know that.
But i think,
im gonna rid that attitude out of my life cuz its a wasting.
(pehhh sgtla berwawasan diriku ini ok).
Fashion always change.
You can never follow fashion bcuz
it will makes you suffer financially,emotionally & physically
(jln lame sgt,skt kaki).
So lets just put a fullstop for shopping !
Semoge berjaye Fatin Liyana !

i would like to emphasize more on
health in my so-called-adolescent life!

Hopefully i will become someone who is
health-concious by consuming healthy food
with beneficial nutritions,
routine physical exercise,
routine facial/skin care & etc

Also, i've been thinking of getting braces for my teeth~
Da survey la certain orthodontic speacialist in Bandung,
lets just give em a try!
Insyaallah dlm may la nk start.
Gpun mase tu, insyaallah ayah da blikn kete,
so sgt la convient for me to drive back & forth
from jatinangor to bandung for follow up.

'Ya Allah ya tuhanku,
ak mohon restuMu yang paling utama,
pengampunanMu yang paling inti,
keselamatan dari segala dosa,
pampasan dari segala kebajikan,
kebahagiaan mendapatkan syurga dan
kelepasan dari siksa neraka...amin'

Fatin Liyana sila berusaha!

Saturday 21 March 2009


Hello !
FYI im currently learning bout the reproductive system.

so basicly ive learnt that :
  • 20's is the most appropriate reproductive age where childbearing usually gives no risk.
  • the best interval of pregnancy is between 2 years.
  • the age of 31 is considered 'old' for reproductive age & risks increase.
  • above the age of 35, usually give too many complications to the baby and also to the mother. greater risks to get congenital anomalies & cancer of the uterine.

Thus, reading all of these facts really gives me a goosebump.

I'm now 20 and still have another freaking 5 years to be certificated as a doctor *weee*. Ive been thinking of getting engaged at 25 & married at 26.

I truthfuly hope to give births to 5 babies~ (byk sgt ke?). The interval should be 26-28-30-32-34 ! If you can see i will actually exceed my appopriate reproductive age during my 3rd,4th & 5th gestations.Perhaps the babies will be exposed to greater risks of congenital anomalies!

What if i shorten the interval? Possibly between 1 year? Dont you ever try laa fatin liyana. 1st your body normal physiology need more time to restore its original functions & 2nd is that kesian giler kat ko pny Transformation zone kat cervix tu kjp2 cell die change to squamous & change back to columnar. sooner or later this will lead to Carcinoma of the cervix okay~ (cancer of the cervix). takotnyeee~

haa pekate blik mesia ni ak try persuade parents ak supaye bg ak kawen ms blajar.mesti ade kesan tapak kaki naek kat perot ak hahaha. *kembali serius* ak bknlah gatal nk kawen awal, cume sbg seorng doctor yg bertauliah ak amat mementingkn nyawa si ibu mahupun si baby.

hahaha lu pk la sendri~ salaam~

Thursday 19 March 2009

keboringan keamatan~

Hello there~

I just feel lyk blogging ! thats why i ended up here ! tomorrow class starts at 7 & its already 1215 am now. cant waste precious sleeping tyme >.<

nothing much to blurb this time. tapi cm bese la, ak kn suke pikir sal bende plek2 hahaha. so this time, ive been thinking bout our masyarakat sekeliling! have you ever experienced these? bet u all mesti pna rs bende ni.

  • bende ni slalu jd ms ak sek rendah.ak ngan kwn baek ak. suddenly die terjatohkn ak nye kuih, or perhaps my pencil case. Of course i was pissed off but she was lyk ' sorry sorry ak xsengaja, ko mara ak ke?' i dont know how to react in this situation hahaha. bese ak jwb 'eh xpe xpe ko kn xsngaje'. pdhal ak nyirap malu la nk ckp, 'ye ak marah' haha tp kalo adik ak yg jatohkn, da lame kne seligi da !

  • pastu kengkadang org suke bwat lawak x lawak. ak sgt skt hati sbnanye! ak xleh dgr kalo org bwat lawak tp xlawak. yang plg xtahannye, mase ak sek dlu, da la xklakar langsung, tp sebab sume org gelak, ak pon berpure2 gelak. hahahahaha

  • korang pasan x, kalo ade pemilihan jawatan, bile kengkwn nominate name si polan ni, mesti die kate 'eh xnk xnk,jgn pilih ak'. senanye dlm hati die tu die nak. hahaha tp die malu la t org kate gpang lak en. ce korang bwat2 nominate si polan tu, pastu bia die 'act' konon xnk jwtn tu. pastu korang jgn vote tok die. mesti muke die brubah & confirm xnk kwn korang lg hahaha.pdn muke korang.

  • lastly, bile org puji korang kn, korang tend to say like this 'eh manede cantek,ko lg cantek' 'eh manede pandai, ko lg pandai'. pecayelah ckp ak, seburok mane bj org tu pkai, sedungu mane org tu, tp korang akn ttp ckp cmtu tok jage ati hahaha btol x? sbb ak pon bwat cmtu. so sesape yg da lame xkne praise tu, ce la praise org len, t mesti korang akn dpt balik pujian tu >_<

pela yang ak cite kat korang ne. haha sian tol kne layan kpale wotak ak yg gile neh~ jomm a kte tdo !


Wednesday 18 March 2009

kesempoian berlnjutan~

Pom !! (terkejut x terkejut x?)
ak ni bknlah nk ckp fav place ak clinic
tp ni da kali ke 5 ak g sane!
ap yg best sgt kt clinic tu?
xdelah best sgt bese jelah~ ak dtg ni pon
sbb da 2 weeks ak amek treatment tp x sembuh2 gak.
diagnosis doctor yg terbaru!
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • gastritis
  • anemia
  • chronic infection by Helicobacter pylori
haa cuak xdengar?? hbt x hbt skt wa neh? meh wa story sket psl GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) neh. disease ni lah bile korang tido, acid dr pwot korang tu naek kat korangnye tekak smpai korang rs mual & nk muntah. haaa cmne leh acid tu naek? acid ni cm bese a byk akal kn. so adela tu die akalkn korang nye spinchter (wrong spelling wei) kat upper stomach tu.

bahaya la kalo slalu jd sbb bhgian prot je yg leh beracid. bhgian len2 lek kawasn len kne acid prot tu xke erosive jdnye.abeh la cell2 korang apoptosis (mati). sedeyh gle kot.

haa Helicobacter Pylori lak sjenis bacteria la. tp mmg konfim xmkn saman bacteria neh. die men sedap je kikis wa punye dinding usus & kasi beracid situ. seb bek wa mude n cantek. hahha sbb doctor ckp, kalo kne infection caused by H.pylori neh mase umo 50thn, confirm akn jd ulcer a. tp takat umo 20-an xde pape sgt la en.

so doctor prescribed 3 ubat, 1 ubt kuat a bg ajar sket H.pylori neh. pastu wa kne mkn slalu. kalo korang mkn 3kali shari wa kne mkn 6kali shari. kalo pasni wa obese mmg maot a doctor tu hahaha. pastu doctor ckp wa anemic (kurang darah).sbb tu wa lembek & pening2. so sape nak lanje wa mkn kerang bakar jommm kte pg skarang gak.

haa tu jelah.wa nk jd rajen g wa join study group membe pandai2 & rajen2. tringin gak nk jd rajen n pandai en.



she is suri ! kawaii desu ne

genki desu ka~~~~!!

hee so my skill's lab ended at 3.30 today.
i decided to go to clinic for the 4th time !
( the clinic was packed yesterday )
and again
my luck wasnt happen to be there.
i just thought of having a reference letter from the GP
so that it will be much easier for me
to be treated at the hospital !
its ok !
fatin liyana sila berusaha lain kali!

ema wanted to hv some Klenger's burgers @ Jatos so
we ordered the Rp 13k Super Cheese Burger !
while waiting, we loitered around the cinema
just wanted to know what movies strike the boxoffice.
only to realized that there was 1 movie dat attracted me.
FYI, i'm the biggest fan of horror movies!

'no way we have to watch this!'
'humangai,ce bertenang fatin liyana, kan da petang da ni'
'ah xde xde samede ko sk ke x kte kne tgk gak !'
'ee ai ! yolah yolah'

hahaha the movie sucked big times!
i didnt find the correlation & clearly it was a low-budget movie.
but then it was nice to see ema jerking off the seat
haha die kn super penakut.

lalala smpai bale 1, xde karen lak
nyirap btol la.
disebabkn ak skt ati,
i actually forced tety to accompany me pekene
teh tarik n kwetiaw goreng!
fatin liyana sila kurangkn berjoli !

lately, ive been thinking of getting married
and give births to super cute babies !
it will be a pleasant gift if the babies look like
Suri Cruise & Romeo Beckham.
tp apekan daye
ak hanyelah sorang gadis melayu haha
*penampar yg memberi kesedaran*


Thursday 12 March 2009

quick recap~

hello !

I think my previous entry was very sarcastic & rude !
so i decided to delete it hehe
after all i live in indonesia
hv to blend with them well i guess >.<

yup! today i went to clinic again~
for the endless unsolved problem regarding my tummy.
and guess what, my diagnosis was right !
entritis is inflammation of bowel (usus).
bajet hbt c bacteria ni.
tgu la ak mkn ubat~ kte tgk sape superhero sebena!!

and also, i just got back from Puri Indah with faroh.
paid the deposit for our home sweet home!
rumah kitorang sgt sgt la commmell u know!
t la after we've moved in, i'll add up some pics kay~

not to forget,
if u ever view/talk/make friends with -- arie baby --
on myspace, plz take note that she's a fraud.
she uses ALL of my pics & gedik2 wif boys.
view her profile -->

construct a sentence with 3 b's
- baby boney bomei !! -


Friday 6 March 2009


one fine morning..

atin : ema ak lapaaa~ ah sdpnye kalo dpt mkn ayam cobek pastu li spaghetti kat Cherry's *smbil menarik2 pipi sendiri*
ema : tu la kojo kau ! mkn mkn mkn!

atin : what do u think of me lala~*nyanyi lagu Polaroid*
ema : die dah mule dah.. dah mule xsdarkn diri..nyanyi lagu pelik2...

atin : ema! ak nyesal..smlm ak xwat papepon..ak manje2 ngan dak apish pastu tertido..huhu ak nyesal..
ema : den da agak dah! x abih2 ko nyesal tp xubah2 gak! gene sapo ko ikot ni??

atin : ema ak rs la kan~ kalo kite ade umah nanti, ak nk bele rabit~ pastu nk tanam bunge kat halaman umah~ ptg2 nk siram~ hee bestnye!
ema : kau...kalo berangan mmg no 1..xdo bondo peedah sket ko kau nk bwek??

atin : ema! ak rs ak sgt mls..baeklah! mulai hr ni ak akan brubah!
ema : dah berpuluh kali dah den donga ko nk xubah2 jgk..

atin : ema ce tgk ni! best giler~~ hbt hbt!!
ema : org kmpung kalo dpt bende baru.. mcm nilah perangainye..

ema : fatin liyaannaa behavee!
ema : fatin liyaanaaa jage mulot!
ema : fatin liyaanaa g mandi sekaranggg!

conclusion : my everyday life is affected physically & mentally by EMALINA.

p/s: she's my bestfriend!

Monday 2 March 2009

ngarut2 sket~

kalo ak kawen pon cmni gak. xyah tgk maya karin de haha

Hello !
kdg2 ak rs geli ngan dri sendri. sbb cm poyo a haha
ak bc la blik entrees ak yg latest. sume psl cm politik etc
ak rs cm nk tarik tinge ak smpai tcabut earing.
haha gle poyo ak ni.
pdhal ak xde la kesa sgt kn. sj je la nk trigger korang nk berpikir ^^
senanye ak ade mslah skit ngan perot ak ni. ak xleh isau.
t mesti acid hydrocloric dlm prot neh mncurah2 smpai ak gastric.
pastu mesti ak kne g 'defikasi' kt toilet.
(polite x ak gune word defecation?)

ak ni br je la ulang alik kt toilet ak yg best sbb berbau lifebuoy tu.
senanye ak isau bf comel ak tu xblik agi.
ak call xhangkat,sms xreply
pastu c acid ni pon seboklah kan nk mecurah2 bagai.
ak xtaw nk marah acid tu ke ataw GI tract ak.
ak mkn cadbury ni ngan hrpan prot ak akn terpengaro
& dgr ckp ak!
kte tgk smpai mane akal dak prot ak neh!


Sunday 1 March 2009

Be Wise please...

Malingsia Tidak Beretika.Sampaikan ke semua tenaga kerja Indonesia terutama yang bekerja di MALINGSIA agar :1. Tidak memberikan resepi makanan Asli Indonesia ke Orang orang MALINGSIA.2.Jangan menyumbangkan tarian atau apapun yang berbau budaya asli Indonesia pada orang MALINGSIA. 3. Jangan bermain musik Tradisional Indonesia Pada Orang MALINGSIA. Kita semua telah tau bahwa Negara satu itu adalah NEGARA TAK BERETIKA, NEGARA PLAGIAT MURNI Negara tanpa kreativitas, tak mau dan tak mampu menciptakan karya, Jadi mulai saat ini sebaiknya kita berhati hati menyajikan sesuatu yang asli budaya Indonesia pada negara MALINGSIA dan mari sejak sekarang sebut negara itu dengan sebutan MALINGSIA bukan MALAYSIA, Berapa banyak budaya Indonesia direbut? Masih tegakah budaya kita di Maling?


i actually got that short article from
thanks to wawa for the linking sis!

So if u can see, there are certain indonesians
who really hate our country, Malaysia.
They have been calling our country as 'Malingsia'
which brings the meaning, 'pencuri'.

According to them, we actually ripped off their culture,
language, music,recipe, creativity & even history.
Instead of boycotting ISRAEL, these kind of people
are actually boycotting us (refer to url given).

They keep calling us with disrespectful names
which i consider a bit sarcastic.
They play jokes with our leaders names.
Besides that, they even call us racist
for the special quota we are giving to the malaysian malays.

Condolence to them.
I, somehow dont really understand whats their agenda.
Clearly it is not rational, narrow minded & pointless.

Of course we are using the same language because
we came from the SAME root.
Of course our culture is alike because
we came from the SAME root.
Will u simply kill someone who is actually using ur language?
if that so, i bet each country will have their own language.
Will u simply mock someone who eat ns goreng? claiming that its ur recipe?

let me give u a situation,
is it sensible for the USA to call their neighbour, CANADA copycat?
just because they are using English as their 1st language,
listening to Lady GaGa,
hv Black Pepper T-bone Steak for dinner
and lead an indistinguishable everyday routines.

also they have been pointing that
the malaysian malay have been too arrogant
because of the quota/priority given.
(FYI, in indonesia, every human being is equivalent
regardless of the races).

why bother?
ur country is not a good example either.
look at urself,
being dragged into poverty,
with not even a prospect to alter a phase in ur life.
why is this happening?
because there's no quota for the landlord!
u are actually put urself a barrier,
and let others (esp chinese) to throw ur rights down the drains.
isnt that brainless?
sorry for the harsh words.

this goddamn shit have to end.
we have so much things to do,
to make this world a better place to live
other than envying over others.

Remember, we are the only Muslim countries in the southest asia,
if we dont get together,
our Islam enemy will be applausing
upon seeing us falling apart.

p/s: this situation never happen to me. people around me treat me the way i deserve. everybody is being nice & humble to me. thnk God
